CRASH AND FATALITY STATS ON THE RISEAccording to the most recent National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) CrashStats Report, 42,939 people were killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes on US roadways during 2021. This is the largest number of fatalities since 2005. It also represents a 10-percent increase from 39,007 fatalities in 2020, or 3,932 more people killed in traffic crashes in 2021. The fatality rate per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT) increased by 2.2 percent and the estimated number of people injured on our roadways increased in 2021 to 2.50 million. While the total VMT increased in 2021 to 3,140 billion, it was similar to 2019. VMT in 2020 was lower at 2,904 billion due to pandemic related travel declines. Key findings From 2020 to 2021: • Fatalities and people injured increased in most categories. • Speeding-related fatalities increased by 7.9 percent, alcohol-impaired-driving fatalities increased by 14 percent, and seat belt non-use fatalities increased by 8.1 percent. • Urban fatalities increased by 14 percent; rural fatalities increased by 4.7 percent. • Female fatalities increased by 12 percent, and male fatalities increased by 9.2 percent. • Nighttime (6 p.m. to 5:59 a.m.) fatalities increased by 11 percent; daytime (6 a.m. to 5:59 p.m.) traffic fatalities increased by 9.7 percent. • Cyclist (not motor) fatalities also reached a 46 year high at 966 • Forty-three States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico had increases in the number of fatalities.
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October 2024
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